Thursday, March 08, 2007

Listen Up!

This may just be some ranting from someone who has been pregnant for the last 26 out of 41 months, but I have a couple of requests from those of you who are not pregnant.

1. Out of courtesy, or just the kindness of your heart, when standing in a long line at a public restroom, if you see a woman who is obviously pregnant, feel free to offer her your place in line, or to cut in front of you. Maybe this thought will help - although you really have to use the restroom, keep in mind that not only do I really have to use the restroom also, but I have a 5 lb baby head-butting my bladder and pushing out a little urine every time this happens. I am literally about to wet my pants - it doesn't just feel like it.

2. When curious about how far along someone is from their due date, please be kind-hearted enough to not make any facial expressions that say, "wow, she's huge!" And if you're honest enough to actually speak instead of making an annoying face, please attempt to be a little tactful in what you say. Things like, "really? wow, 4 more weeks is a long time" or "oh! so you actually still have a while to go!" are not taken very well. First of all, I know much better than you how pregnant I am - there is no need to call my attention to it. Second, 4 weeks is not long at all, especially when you consider how long I've been pregnant. And third, it's just rude.
So, my advice would be to really try instead to call attention to the positive side of being this pregnant: "wow! how excited you must be to be so close to having your baby here!" or "you look wonderful! Congratulations!" or "that t-shirt is really cute, and I just love those sweats and flip flops!" (this last one is kind of a joke, but you get my point). Pregnant women don't hear nice things about themselves often enough if ever, so I would encourage you to change that trend.
I have a wonderful friend that every time I see her she tells me how wonderful I look, and I can't tell you how much that brightens my day and lifts me up. Just try to see pregnancy for what it is - allowing a child to grow and develop inside of another human body, preparing itself for life outside of that comfortable and secure womb. It's a beautiful miracle, not just a huge woman wearing overly casual clothes.


Unknown said...

here's my favorite story about needing to pee. One time (actually it was shortly after giving birth) I was thinking to myself, "wow, I really need to pee." and then, "oh- I AM peeing!" in my pants at that very moment. maybe i need depends!
it's really amazing the lack of common courtesy for others we have going on in our world today. we rarely think of others and their needs, and it's even more rare to sacrifice something of our own to put their needs first. it's something we should all think more of- in every case not only pregnant women.

Anonymous said...

Your post is so true! And I agree...only nice, positive comments to pregnant women! We deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Hello Elizabeth
You have been on my mind daily as we await April anxious to welcome Ella Grace to our family. I remember well the last few weeks of pregnancy and how anxious I was to not be pregnant and to hold my baby in my arms.

We love you and pray for everything to go well for you.
Love, Aunt Kathy