I think anyone who is a mom, whether you are a stay-at-home mom or you work outside the home, will be able to relate to this one, and laugh along with me.
I have discovered something to be true among men. They don't seem to know how to handle the ever-so-touchy issue of asking, "What do you do?", or "Do you work?" when talking to a mom. Every time the situation comes up with me, I can't help but laugh, but also feel a little bad for the guy. I mean, who can blame him? It can be a difficult situation to be in. Depending on what type of woman you are talking to, there's never really a safe way to go with it. Maybe she'll get annoyed that he's assuming she shouldn't work, but should stay home to raise children and clean the house. But, then again, maybe she'll be annoyed if she
thinks he has
implied that staying at home is not a full-time job in itself. There always seems to be some misunderstanding or implied sexism or something.
Personally, I think this is the fault of us moms. We're too hard on these guys. Don't get me wrong - I, just as much as the next woman, don't think that my job as a stay-at-home mom should be made into any less than it is - it's a full-time job. But, I think we need to lay off the guys a little. So what if they ask "Do you work?" There's no reason for me to assume that he thinks my days are spent watching soaps and eating ice cream. There's no reason for me to get defensive and shoot back to him with pride and disdain, "I do the hardest job in the world 24 hours a day. Of course I work
- I'm a mom!"
Let's be realistic about this. Most men in today's world are very aware of the fact that many women have careers and many women stay at home with their kids. Most of them are married to one of these women. Most of them are intellegent creatures with logical thinking brains. And
some of them are even sensitive
and caring. So, the way I figure it, most men don't mean anything by their questions when inquiring about whether or not you earn any income for your family.
So, the next time a man stumbles over himself while trying to ask you about your life, let him off the hook. Don't assume he's implying anything. Just be nice and answer his question.
But if he really is an unintellegent jerk, let him have it!